Give a Day’s Pay for Schools

The Register Guard, September 15, 2009, Letters in the Editor’s Mailbag, by Janis Brew, Springfield


Bethel School District teachers’ decision to work without pay on Sept. 8 is an example of the many ways teachers give unselfishly to our children and society and should not be taken for granted. Every year teachers throughout our community spend unpaid summer time getting ready for fall and spend school-year evenings and weekends planning lessons, grading papers and tutoring students. What a gift that our teachers are willing to make this commitment.

It’s disappointing that we depend on financial sacrifices from teachers to provide high-quality education. Our legislators haven’t corrected this problem, so maybe it’s time for all of us to follow the example of the Bethel teachers.

I’m not a teacher, but I am inspired by the actions of the Bethel teachers. This year, I’ll be donating one day’s pay to our schools, and I challenge our community to join me. One day’s pay can be donated to your school district’s education foundation (the Eugene Education Foundation, the Springfield Education Foundation, etc). Donations provide funding for educational materials and activities, such as science experiments, field trips, music, and extra academic support for struggling students. You’ll get a charitable donation deduction on your taxes, and you’ll get the satisfaction of helping our schools provide quality education during tough economic times.

Can’t afford a full day’s pay? Make it half a day’s pay, or even an hour’s pay. Every little bit helps!

NOTE from the Bethel Education Foundation Board: 

We loved this and we’d like to add that you consider giving a donation like this to the Bethel Education Foundation.

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